Weekly Wisd-Nom 6.7.15

Your place for weekly wisd-nom… this week there are more discoveries as to how to connect with other vegans and more info about your poo!

Ellen DeGeneres is producing a new show, First Dates, which will connect people with similar interests. She is especially looking for single vegans! [Photo: VegNews]
Activits threaten to sue the Miami Seaquarium for their treatment of captive Lolita. They have 60 days to address concerns before PETA and The Animal Legal Defense Fund take action. [Photo: Wikipedia]
15 rainy day activities that are outside the box and sure to inspire. [Photo: apartment therapy]
Vegvisits is where travelers can connect with fellow veg-heads for an overnight stay, local tours, and maybe even a home-cooked meal! [Photo: Vimeo]
Squats aren't just for firm booties, they're also for healthy ones, too! Have you been pooping incorrectly your whole life? [Photo: Irina Mir via Shuttershock]
